compatible C2270 drum unit

You’re in the right place for compatible C2270 drum unit.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on Ebest.we guarantee that it’s here on Ebest.
Known for its high tolerance, it is highly regarded in the market. .
We aim to provide the highest quality compatible C2270 drum unit.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • EBEST Compatible XEROX Drum Cartridge IV C2270 Drum Unit
    EBEST Compatible XEROX Drum Cartridge IV C2270 Drum Unit
    Description: A product adopts environmentally friendly materials, it has strong compatibility and print well, can improve work efficiency and reduce losses.1.Advantages: Toner: Fine and uniform particles, color wheel is large, chroma clear and natural, achieving a high quality, full of page yield. OPC drum: High-class opc, good abrasion resistance, print so clearly and fluently, has high resolution.These all are the advantages of Xerox IVC2270 drum unit .2.Processing technology: Xerox IVC2270 Drum Unit is popular all over the world, especially more popular in Europe, is hot sale product. Color for BK/C/M/Y have 50K pages yield. beautiful in colors and print enduringly. 3.Features: Recovery drum supply is sufficient, there is no qualified new parts on the market. We use original accessories, and more than 30 professional and technical personnels participate in production, all the products pass a number of rigorous inspections and tests. To ensure extend the life of products and reduce the failure rate effectively.We use neutral paper packing, paper so hard and the box has forth inside, it can better protect the products from damage when deliver. If this product is what you need, feel free to contact me.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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