NPG65 drum unit

You’re in the right place for NPG65 drum unit.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on Ebest.we guarantee that it’s here on Ebest.
By providing high quality , Ebest Digital Technology Ltd. has won much attention since its establishment. .
We aim to provide the highest quality NPG65 drum unit.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Ebest Compatible CANON NPG-65 GPR-51 C-EXV47 Toner Cartridge for IR C250i C350i C351if for drum unit
    Ebest Compatible CANON NPG-65 GPR-51 C-EXV47 Toner Cartridge for IR C250i C350i C351if for drum unit
    Ebest Compatible CANON NPG-65 GPR-51 C-EXV47 Toner Cartridge for IR C250i C350i C351if.Description: Canon NPG65 Drum Unit is a remanufactured product with high efficiency, stable performance and long service life.1.Advantages: Although Canon NPG65 drum unit it’s a remanufactured product, it's still very popular. For all products, we dedicated to provide customers with quality products and perfect after-sales service. We use foreign-imported materials to produce each drum unit. 40K pages and high quality mould well resistant to print and can work effectively and reduce loss.2.Processing technology: Ebest has a professional and experienced technical team, multiple professionally equipped production lines and hundreds of testing equipment and devices to ensure all the products quality.3.Features: This product’s fixing time is lasting, which is beneficial to the long-term preservation of the photocopies. High black level, you can get better print darkness. Work well, printing clearly, high color restoration. Office needs to print drawing lines and grids, print clearly without glitches.All products we use neutral paper packing, paper so hard and the box has forth inside, it can better protect the products from damage when deliver. Perfect after-sales service to make you worry-free throughout the whole process.Suitable machine: Canon IR-C250i C350i C351if.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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