Bizhub C224 drum unit

You’re in the right place for Bizhub C224 drum unit.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on Ebest.we guarantee that it’s here on Ebest.
The R&D of Ebest is carried out by our professionals who have many years of experience in developing innovative mobile phone accessories. .
We aim to provide the highest quality Bizhub C224 drum unit.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • EBEST Konica Minolta DR512 copier drum unit for Bizhub c224/c284/c364
    EBEST Konica Minolta DR512 copier drum unit for Bizhub c224/c284/c364
    Minolta C224/C284/C364/C454/C554 with high efficiency, stable performance and long service life. Advantages:1.Chip: contains the chip and can be used when installed on the machine;2.Drum OPC: Page yield: about 60k;quality photosensitive coating, Drum OPC inner film, strong compatibility, good abrasion resistance, clear and smooth, strong blackness value and resolution;3.Details: Attentive effect is clearer, customers are more assured;4.We also have toner cartridges of the same model and corresponding accessories to meet your series of purchasing needs.EBEST products have developed in domestic and foreign markets, and have achieved excellent results. They have become a well-established online and offline network sales at home and abroad. With reliable products and perfect after-sales service, their products have been sold all over the world for many years High praise from the market.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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